The Foundation

We disseminate basic economic and financial education.
Letter from our President
Dear reader:
The María Jesús Soto Foundation, set up more than five years ago, was created to give continuity and greater presence to the work I have been carrying out for 30 years in the field of economic-financial education.
If in 2017 the dire consequences of the great crisis of 2008 were still being felt in domestic economies, and I was already aware of the need for basic education in subjects such as economics and finance, entrepreneurship, or knowledge of the public sector and its principal macroeconomic markers, the current circumstances, far from making me change my opinion, serve to reinforce my belief in the initial aim of this Foundation: to convey that only by training citizens in these subjects and in values we can maintain the state of well-being and achieve growth.
The economic downturn suffered in the wake of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the problems of shortages of raw materials or the sustainable challenges we face due to climate change and the depletion of resources, highlight on a daily basis the urgent need for professionals with the technical and moral training to respond to a world that is rapidly transforming technologically and in which different business models are emerging that require existing ones to adapt if they are to endure.
These five years have given us the opportunity to publish several physical and digital publications in various languages that enable children, young people and adults to understand the necessary basic concepts of economics, finance and entrepreneurship by means of simple language, didactic explanations and superb illustrations.
The theory of these books has been complemented with activities, resources and games specifically designed for the educational field through the platform set up in 2017. Its aim is to help teachers put into practice the knowledge acquired in a fun way, via different subjects and with various degrees of difficulty.
Giving conferences, talks and presentations to groups that request them, as well as participating in different forums at which our presence is needed, also remains a fundamental part of our activities.
The tremendous social sensitivity shown towards this type of initiative has prompted us to specify the possible ways in which to collaborate with our Foundation. Not only from foundations like ours, but also from companies, associations, public or private institutions, educational centres and individuals who wish to join us. We welcome any suggestion or idea you may wish to contribute to help us achieve the objectives and mission we have proposed.
Independence, transparency, honesty and responsibility will continue to be the values that support all our initiatives and actions. The participation of our partners and collaborators will thus serve to strengthen the soul of the Foundation on the basis of such values.
I invite you to continue collaborating in the manner that best suits you, and I encourage you to join us in disseminating basic economic-financial education and entrepreneurship. With everyone’s help, we will fight effectively against economic and financial illiteracy, making our countries more prosperous and their citizens more socially committed.
Kind regards,

María Jesús Soto
Because we all have the right to be financially literate.

To promote and disseminate basic economic and financial education, as well as to convey ideas and values that promote entrepreneurship. For this reason, the Foundation caters to educational centres, associations, institutions, public and private entities, other foundations and the general public.

To improve the educational level of our society in economics, finance and entrepreneurship, focusing above all on teaching children and young people, future entrepreneurs to manage their own resources and those of others, contributing with their work, projects, companies, values and effort to the general social good.
The values on which our fundamental principles are based are: