Interview with María Jesús Soto on CNN’s programme «Agenda Económica»



1 October 2013

The financial expert María Jesús Soto explained the importance of financial education for children during their school years.

The first online financial education programme “Con letra grande” will launch in Chile on 7 October with a view to bringing ordinary citizens, and above all children, closer to the world of economy. María Jesús Soto, a Spanish independent financial expert and author of various publications, spoke to Agenda Económica in this regard.

The specialist is of the opinion that compulsory financial education in schools is essential because, in her view, countries that promote financial culture for their citizens avoid situations of over-indebtedness and protect financial institutions. “This is what the OECD has seen with the major crisis we have experienced since 2008,” said Soto, adding that “It has been shown that schools are the best places for children to learn this, alongside a number of fundamental values.”




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